понедельник, 25 июня 2018 г.

Конспект уроку англійської мови за темою: «Sports. Sport Events»

Навчально - виховний комплекс «Кіровоградський колегіум - спеціалізований загальноосвітній навчальний заклад І-ІП ступенів - дошкільний навчальний заклад - центр естетичного виховання»
Управління освіти міської ради міста Кропивницького

Конспект уроку англійської мови
за темою:
«Sports. Sport Events»

Вчитель англійської мови:
Савченко В.В.


Кропивницький 2018
Тема уроку: «Sports. Sport Events»
Клас: 6
Мета  уроку:
практична – учні зможуть використовувати тематичну лексику в монологічному та діалогічному мовленні, описувати спортивні події на письмі та під час обговорення
освітня – збагачення духовного світу особистості, розширити знання учнів по темі спорт
розвиваюча – стимулювати обговорення теми спорт, формувати в учнів культури читання та аудіювання аутентичних текстів інформаційно-довідкового характеру, розвивати пам’ять, увагу, уяву, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення, вміння правильно і чітко реагувати на запитання
 виховна виховувати почуття поваги один до одного, до вчителя, навчити працювати в парах, малих групах, виховувати самостійність, відповідальність, естетичний смак
Обладнання уроку: презентація в Power Point «Види спорту», відеоматеріал: «Матч з американського футболу», аудіо запис,  Smartboard, підручник On Screen 2
Тип уроку: комбінований (урок засвоєння нових знань та формування вмінь та навичок)
     Хід уроку

I.               Початок уроку. Привітання. Введення теми та цілей уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу - мовленнєва розминка.
1.    Привітання
Teacher: Good morning! How are you?  Well, I see you’re in a good mood today. Let’s begin the lesson.

         2.  Мовленнєва розминка
Teacher: Look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson.
Teacher: You are right.  As you have understood the theme of our lesson is Sports and Sport Events. Today we are going to review the vocabulary and choose your favourite sport.  You will listen to the text, read it and do some tasks.
Brainstorming (On the board)

Teacher: List all kinds of sport you know.

Pupils: football, hockey, boxing, tennis, basketball, cricket , volleyball, rugby, rowing, baseball, climbing, archery, handball, swimming, skiing, skating…
Teacher: Which of the sports are team sports? Individual sports? Both? Write the correct sports under each category.
Team sports
Individual sports

Teacher: Compare your lists in pairs.
Teacher: Which sport is your favourite and why?
Pupils: My favourite sport is…….because…..
II. Основна частина уроку
1.    Перевірка домашнього завданнялексична гра (робота в малих групах).
Teacher: Your homework was to learn the words, let’s see if you know them well.
     We are going to play a game. Let’s unite into two groups. Choose a candy and unite in two groups according to its colour. (Учні обирають цукерку та об’єднуються в групи відповідно кольору цукерки).
  Teacher: Your task is to read the definition and decide which word it is. One correct answer is one point. Let us try!
-        the last game in the season\competition (final game)
-        the period when football is played (football season)
-        the person\ team that beats their opponents in a game\competition (winner)
-        a group of teams that play the same sport against each other (league)
-        a group of  people who play a sport together (team)
-        sb who watches a TV programme (viewer)
-        sb who is very interested in a sport or a famous person (fan)
-         to take sth somewhere (deliver)
-        to make people move from side to side (rock)
-        the department in a hospital where emergency treatment is given (emergency room)
-        a medical condition characterized by a set of symptoms (syndrom)
-        a short break in a TV programme when adverts are shown (commercial break)
  Teacher: Let’s check your answers. Great job.
                   Make up sentences using these words.
                   Read your sentences.  Well done.
                   Let’s determine the winner.

2.  Навчання аудіюванню.
 Pre-listening activities
    Teacher: Watch the video and tell me what is happening. (Учні переглядають уривок матчу -  Американський футбол.)
     Pupils: I think it’s …….
                  I am sure that ….
                  In my opinion ….
      Teacher: You are right. People are watching an American football game in a stadium. We are going to listen to the text «Super Sunday». This text is about the final game in the American football season. It is called The Super Bowl.
While-listening activities
        Teacher: Read the statements. Listen and mark which of the statements about the Super Bowl are true or false.
1.    The Super Bowl is the game in the middle of the American football season.
2.    It is between the winners of the two leagues.
3.    There are over 10 million viewers watching it on TV.
4.    During the half-time show, the players rock the stadium.
5.    A commercial during the breaks can cost millions of dollars.
  Teacher: Let’s check your answers.

 3. Навчання читанню

While-reading activities
     Reading for specific information
     Teacher: Children, read the text to find out if you are right or wrong.
Super Sunday


The Super Bowl is the final game in the American football season. The winners of the two leagues, the NFC and the AFC, play to see who the best team of all is. The final takes place on a Sunday in the second half of January or first half of February. That Sunday is called “Super Bowl Sunday” or just “Super Sunday”, and there can be over 111 million viewers watching from home.


It’s a social day: family and friends, fans and non-fans. People who may not watch any other game all year watch the Super Bowl. After Thanksgiving, it’s the day on which Americans eat the most food. Pizza places deliver over 3 million pizzas. People buy 13 million kilos of crisps and 1 billion chicken wings to eat on the day. The half-time show is just as important as the game. For thirty minutes, the biggest names in music rock the stadium.


The commercial breaks in the game are very expensive. It can cost millions of dollars per second to run a commercial during the game. The companies that buy air time usually try to create a funny or clever one which viewers can talk about.

  Teacher: Read the text and match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs (1-3). One heading is extra.
A    Expansive ads
B    The sports event of the year
C    The price of sport
D    Food and entertainment
  Teacher: Let’s check the answers.
                      Well done!
Post-reading activities
 Teacher: Children, answer the questions.
1.    How important is the Super Bowl to Americans?
2.    Why do companies spend millions on one commercial during the game?
3.    Why do you think doctors call it «Super Bowl Syndrome»?

4.    Навчання діалогічному мовленню  (робота в парах)       

 Teacher: In pairs   ask and answer comprehension questions based on the text.
A: What is the Super Bowl?
B: It is the ……………

   5.  Навчання письму

Teacher: Imagine you watched the Super Bowl on TV. Use the information in the text to complete an email to your English-speaking friend, Amir.
  Dear Amir,
How are you? Last Sunday I watched ________ on TV. In the USA people call it _______ .  I watched the match with ________ . We ordered _________ to eat. The half-time show was ________ . The commercials ________. It was an amazing experience.

Teacher:  Now let’s check your emails.
                  Well done!

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. Підбиття підсумків уроку. Домашнє завдання. Оцінювання.
 Teacher: I believe you know a lot about sports and sport events. Now tell me what you like at the lesson most of all. Take a free microphone and express your point of view.
 Pupils: As for me I like…….
Teacher: I’d like to thank you for good work. Your homework is to think of a similar TV sports event in our country. Be ready to talk about its place\date – events\competitions – foodcommercials – shows. Our lesson is over. I wish you good luck.